Reddit user u/AITArainbow2016 recently decided to take it to the popular subreddit Am I The A-hole to ask if she’s in the wrong for not permitting her ‘rainbow baby’ nephew to attend her childfree wedding. For people that don’t know, a rainbow baby is a baby born after a miscarriage.
Most of Reddit thought that she wasn’t necessarily the a-hole in this situation. Regardless of what you think about children at weddings and whether they should participate in such events or not, she has every right to ask for a childfree wedding, and her guests should respect her opinion.
NTA – Your family is so selfish!! I understand how hard it is on you not to have your family there, but if I was you I would not back down, it is YOUR wedding enjoy and the start of your new adventure surrounded by people that really do LOVE you, because people that love you would never put you in this situation!