Should there be any limits on what you’re allowed to do in your own home? I mean, of course you shouldn’t do illegal stuff, but what about walking without any clothes on? It’s your house, so as long as you are not hurting anyone, it’s fine, right?
Well, one woman decided to take it to Reddit’s Am I The A-hole and ask if she was in the wrong or not for walking in nightwear in her own home. She shared that she and her husband just moved in the neighborhood, but one of their neighbors already complained about the woman walking in nightwear – in her own living room! Check out the post below and decide who is in the wrong here for yourself.
Most people voted that she’s not in the wrong here, and the two people in the wrong are the neighbor and her own husband, who didn’t take her side.
But what do you think? Have you ever been in a similar situation? Feel free to discuss it in the comments!